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RGB vs CMYK : The Difference in Print

The difference between RGB and CMYK is important for designers, business owners and marketers. Some art work are made using RGB, computer monitors also display images in this format, however once the files are handed to printers, they do a standard value conversion to CMYK. The end product may not be as close to what is intended. When creating designs for posters, brochures, leaflets and other printed materials, most printers prefer to work with files that are already converted to CMYK. We created a handy infographic to help you with your next print job.

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How to Choose a Print Provider

When choosing a print provider, you are looking for a company that does the job of bringing your message across through printed material. The amount of print providers in the market can make choosing a company to build a relationship with challenging. Here is a guide to choosing the best print provider for your print job. Reputation What customers say about a company is the most important gauge when it comes to deciding on a print provider. When a company has good reputation it means that they have consistently delivered their services to the satisfaction of their clients. When getting to know a company’s reputation, do not simply take their word for it. Here are some ways you can get ...

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How to Use Print Media with Online Advertising

Advertising is about reaching your target audience and becoming creative enough to retain their attention when you do. Successful companies put time, effort, money and creativity into their advertising. The combination of online advertising and print media is geared towards providing a full sensory experience. Online advertising can provide audio and video, creative print media provides a tactile and visual experiences for the customer. Print media can also drive traffic to online channels such as websites and social media platforms. Here are ways to effectively combine online media and printed materials. QR Codes A QR (Quick Response) Code works similar to barcode. These images when scanned can direct your customers to your website or to any landing page that you ...

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15 Things You Need to Know When Making a School Yearbook

High school yearbooks are now customary handouts at the end of the school year with student photos and captions. With yearbooks  there are two types: the impressively designed ones that students will cherish for years to come and the ones that should end up in a box, never to be opened again. Putting a good yearbook together needs creativity and a lot of attention to detail. A yearbook has a lot of elements included and we have put together a list of essentials for you to make sure you end up with a final product to be proud of. Content 1. Talkative pictures. Pictures are among the first things people look for when opening a yearbook. They are the most ...

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Advertising and Marketing: Print Media is Alive and Well

It is true that social media and other forms of online content are a big portion of how we receive information. Everyone has access to various social media platforms on their computers and mobile devices. This is why it was easy to speculate that print is dead as we now tend to find our information, entertainment and advertising on our glaring screens. Amidst the popularity of social media, we still receive brochures, catalogs, newspapers, magazines and other forms of printed media. Companies such as National Geographic, Vice and Vogue are among those who understand the importance of having a presence online and offline. In print, companies are able to maximize their information transferring opportunity without the distraction of other advertisements. ...

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